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berita baik bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "berita baik"
  • berita:    journal; news; tidings; word; item; newsletter;
  • baik:    all right; at the best; be not well; decency;
  • istihar berita baik:    announce good news
  • berita:    journal; news; tidings; word; item; newsletter; bruit; news program; announcement; info; message; intelligence; rumor; report; news show; newscast; data; information
  • . baik:    the well
  • baik:    all right; at the best; be not well; decency; decent; favorable; favourable; good; jake; just fine; layer right; nice; plummy; well; alright; right; condescending; disarming; gentle; kind; heal; civ
  • baik-baik:    nicely; well; hard; pay attention to; properly; good; careful; very; safely
  • acara berita:    television news shows
  • agensi berita:    news agency
  • baris berita:    news ticker
  • berita 24:    bernama radio
  • berita acara:    official report
  • berita aktual:    actual news
  • berita angin:    groundless talk
  • berita bohong:    hoax
  • I come with a good news and request.
    Aku datang dengan "berita baik" dan "sebuah permintaan".
  • Gentlemen, if it's not good news, don't say it.
    Saudara-saudara, jika bukan berita baik, jangan mengatakannya.
  • Clark, I'm telling you, this is good news for you.
    Clark, ini adalah berita baik untukmu.
  • I hope you're calling with good news, doctor.
    Saya harap Anda menelepon dengan berita baik, dokter.
  • And I would just push out good news.
    Dan aku hanya akan mendorong keluar berita baik.
  • Chasing a good news story out of the Middle East.
    Mencari berita baik dari Timur Tengah.
  • I did hear one piece of good news though.
    Aku memang mendengar sedikit berita baik meskipun.
  • Well, folks, I've got some good news and some bad news.
    Hmm, ada "Berita Baik Buruk".
  • Peaceful thoughts... Do you have any good news?
    Memikirkan hal menenangkan, Kau punya berita baik ?
  • You actually thought you were bringing me good news.
    Kau benar-benar mengira kau membawakanku berita baik.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5